Monday, November 9, 2009

You can make a better world!

To President Obama,

You want to do good things. You hate to see folks facing difficulty and suffering. It seems unfair for some to have so much while others have so little.

But, if you take from the haves just so the have nots can have “their fair share”, you will destroy incentive and initiative. You will destroy independence and self determination. And by so doing, you will dry up the well that is needed to grow and nourish our nation. If the haves see everything or a large portion of what they work for taken from them just to give it to those who are too lazy or too afraid of failure to get out and make their own way, they will stop trying, they will climb on the hand out train with the rest or they will leave.

Then where will you go to provide for all your programs and entitlements? While you need to make sure any artificial barriers are removed, make sure that those who have are not using unfair means to get more and keep others down, if you don't let the have nots raise their own level by their own effort, if you step in and just give to them with no restrictions you will make them dependant. You will cripple any hope of self improvement, growth, and progress they may have had.

We are already headed in a dangerous direction as so much of our industry and manufacturing is being outsourced to foreign countries in the name of “lower prices" and "bigger profits.” What happens when those foreign countries decide not to work with us because of national interest, politics, or because our nation is so far in debt that they no longer feel they will get a return on their investment? Who will produce our goods then?

We won’t have the infrastructure or the knowledge any more.

Instead of using the model of redistribution of wealth, you need to change the way we keep score. Right now, the only score board is “net worth”. “Gross national product.” “Market share.” First place.” Everything about our system keeps score in such a way that selfishness and self interest are all that matters, the only way to "get ahead." Get the most, get it first and get it now! You need to show a profit for the shareholders now! Don’t worry about the next 100 years, just get your numbers up in time for the next profit and loss statement.

We need to change the way we keep score. It needs to be a composite measure of the civic awareness and support of the individual or company. It needs to include ethics, environmental considerations, future sustainability, family supportiveness… It needs to be a combination of the factors that make a good citizen as a business or an individual. It needs to (and I know this will be subjective and difficult to develop) reflect the values, cooperation and sense of community building of individuals and corporations.

That way it won’t be just the dollars earned that is considered but also how they were earned, how they help the community, how they help the nation and if they are building and growing with the future and sustainability of not only their business but our world and way of life of those who are in their sphere of influence. If the score card can be changed to reflect the efforts individuals and corporations make to help those in need, they will stand in line to help the have nots who, for whatever reason, truly cannot provide for themselves.

You mean well. You are trying hard. Please open your eyes to something farther down the road then the next election.

Our nation is over 200 hundred years old. While there have been mistakes, overall, this nation has done more to improve the world and the quality of life in the world than just about any other at any time. Please make a better nation and a better world for hundreds of years. Not just until the next “profit and loss” statement is due.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

To Kill a Nation

I saw a part of the President's town hall in Colorado today.

While he sounds sincere, I can't trust him. Especially after the congress gets their hands of the intent of any kind of health care reform and twists it around for their needs and wants. Or at least the whims of those interests that they represent.

Don't be fooled, the government of the United States does not represent the people at this time. They represent themselves and their special interest groups. Those who have time or money to push their issues and pet projects through the process.

The average citizen is busy working, busy dealing with the messes that our government has created for us. They are trying to take care of their families, not wanting to be pushed into someone else's idea of what is right and not wanting to push their own ideas on someone else who has another idea of how their life should be run.

While President Obama sounds like he wants to make a better world. He is going about it all wrong.

This nation became what it is because everyone had the opportunity to succeed or fail. They could go out and take a risk and either fall on their face, or they could learn and grow.

Some took advantage of others. Some failed to play by the rules and by so doing deprived others of opportunity but overall most have had the chance to fail or succeed on their own.

And it should be that way. If the government takes that opportunity away and starts "giving" everyone everything they need to be comfortable, they will destroy that self reliance and self determination that has lead this nation to grow into what it is today.

By giving too much the government will kill initiative, kill accountability, and create of nation of dependants with diminished motivation and determination to stretch themselves and grow stronger and better.

By taking from those who have, in order to make life better for those who have not, you will crush both innovation and risk taking, or you will drive the best and the brightest out so they can have the benefit of their labor somewhere else. Someplace that will allow them to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

You will create a nation of mediocrity that will fade into oblivion.

You need instead to find ways prevent those who would take advantage of others and prevent others from finding their own way, from being able to block others from finding their own way to provide a better living for themselves and their families. But this must be done carefully. For you must somehow, discern the difference between those who are trying to keep others down and those who are just rising above the crowd on their efforts. Judgments and rules must be carefully considered so as to allow those with initiative and drive to move forward, allow those who are too lazy to fail, and those who are truly disadvantaged and while willing to try are still unable to move forward to be carried along by those who can.

If you hold back the few who excel honestly and with honor, you will hold back the nation and kill her future.

If you allow the few who truly can't move forward because of health or other limitations then you allow a part of our nation’s soul and conscience to die and take the rest of us with it.

But if you allow those who can and won't provide for themselves, because of laziness or fear or some other reason, to continue in their sloth by providing for their needs, you will kill the will and the drive of those who are out, following the rules and trying to provide for themselves and their families. It will demoralize those who give their best effort to improve their lives to have others who are capable but unwilling to strive given the same rewards.

Your intent appears noble but you need to find another way to bring it about.

Someday I will share some ideas on how to accomplish, I mean really accomplish, making the world a better place.

You are trying to give men fish. That will feed them today.

Who will feed them tomorrow?

You need to help teach them to fish for their own support instead.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Health care for all?

I can’t say what motives are behind president Obama’s rush to reform health care. I would like to hope that they are truly well intended and he wants to make the world a better place for people.

But this health care thing has the potential to blow up in someone’s face. Unfortunately the people who are designing it are “exempt” from the plan so they have no vested interest in getting it truly right. They won’t get hurt if it backfires.

If it doesn’t work, they are still covered by their “government” health care plans. Or as President Obama stated, I have a Dr. following me around all the time.

Do you really want the government designing and mandating your health care?

They say that they intend to maintain private insurance but, the way the health care reform is being reported, that support for maintaining your current health care plan, whether you like it or not, is lip service at best. It won’t survive.

The government has the postal system. It is going broke.

They have Medicaid and Medicare and reports tell us those are going broke too.

They have social security and the reports on SS indicate that is falling apart faster than has been anticipated in the past.

They set up cash for clunkers and planned so well for that one that they ran out of money in 4 days.

And now they want you to trust them to put sickness or health, life and death bureaucracy in place and put it in motion. Without really taking time to consider what they are doing or what the consequences of those actions might be?

Maybe without taking time to actually read the final bill, whatever form it takes, when it gets through being cut and pasted, with who knows whatever else tacked on to get someone to vote for it.

If they get it wrong. It isn’t a problem for them. They won’t be on the plan. They have a separate plan for themselves and their families. If they get it wrong they won’t be hurt.

Does anybody see taxation without representation here?

Does anyone see, “Do as I say, not as I do.” here?

Does anyone see snake oil salesmen?

Or maybe a little bait and switch potential? They tell us it is health care but what really comes out of the other end?

When President Obama and the congress, along with all their staffs, have a plan that is for everyone, including them and their families I will think about it. Then I might be able to believe that what they do is from the heart and truly intended to make things better.

This business of putting a plan out for everyone but them and their “closest” friends and contributors smells of set up at the very least. More likely it smells of corruption and paybacks for political favoritism.

If they get this wrong it might be your life on the line. Or mine. Or it might be your children’s or my children’s lives and livelihood that is on the line.

This is too important to “hurry up”.

This could, if crafted correctly bring health and well being for generations to come.

But if it is done wrong it could cause heart ache and pain, misery and suffering and untold damage to countless lives for years on end.

If it is done wrong it could cause financial ruin to our nation and destroy our civilization as we know it.

We need to remind our representatives that this thing they are playing with has the potential for tremendous good but it also has the potential for unimaginably detrimental consequences in countless people’s lives.

Please tell your representatives to slow down, take a good look and get this right.

Cash for Clunkers!!???

I have seen a video on some of these "clunkers" getting destroyed.

What a horrible waste! The car was much newer than anything I am driving and in better shape.

At least my car looks like a "clunker." The paint is peeling, it rattles and shakes, and some of the trim is damaged.

But, because it gets decent mpg, it doesn't qualify as a "clunker".

Meanwhile, some folks with "new" cars are taking them in and trashing a perfectly good car because someone else is helping them pay for their car.

Guess what?!? We the people are that someone who is helping pay!

So how many folks are going to get a new car, that I get to help pay for, when they had a perfectly sound car to begin with? You are welcome.

How many folks are now going to have a hard time finding an affordable used car for their growing famly or their college because the used cars were all scrapped instead of recirculating them through the system?

How many car dealers are going to be out of luck because there aren't used cars to sell and the folks who had a "clunker", and their clunker was so new they probably could have replaced the "clunker" on their own dime anyhow, now have a new car and don't need another one any time soon so nobody will be buying cars before very long?

Do these guys in Washington ever think about the consequences of what they are doing? Oh wait! To consider consequences they would have to read the thing first an know what they were getting into!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Americans, We Need to Speak Out

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union...

Two hundred thirty three years ago these words laid part of the foundation of what has become the greatest nation on the earth.

It isn't perfect yet but might get there someday if we can learn to live and work together as we can and should.

But lately, we the people, whether out of frustration or apathy haven't made our voices heard.

Too few people are making choices for all of because they are making the noise and so our leaders presume that is what the people want. We the people need to speak up or the few will make the rules.

Currently there is an effort to push through a national health care plan.

While the rhetoric sounds very altruistic and it seems like a wonderful thing to do, it will destroy us in the long run if not sooner.

Our founding fathers created a nation that allowed the individual to be self reliant. Our lives, under the form of government they provided, can be self determined to a degree almost unheard of anywhere else, at any time in history.

This has allowed those with the creativity, drive, and ambition to see the problems in their lives and the lives of those around them and overcome those problems. Many have used these talents to create wealth and opportunity for themselves and others.

While some have abused the opportunity and hurt or inhibited others in the process of using their ideas for self enrichment, I believe most have been responsible and honorable.

This self reliance has lead to a nation of great diversity and great potential. Because of the chance to excel, grow and improve ourselves. Because of our freedom to try and succeed or fail, we have developed much of the technology that makes our lives what they are, or can be today.

The health care plan that I am hearing proposed at present will do much to destroy that potential for growth.

While most are not out to hurt others as they develop wealth, they are, at least to some degree, driven by selfishness. They want to improve their lives and increase their wealth. While it would be nice if everyone were motivated by providing for the good of all, the fact is much of the drive to succeed is, at least to some extent, self centered. Focused on the personal enrichment of the individual and perhaps including their own family and possibly friends.

The current health care plan would punish the achievers by taking money from them to pay for others who can't or won't put forth the effort or take the chance to make their own wealth.

If our government starts providing health insurance and other privileges to everyone then those who try harder to create wealth will lose their motivation. Why should they try to increase their capacity or wealth when the government just takes it away to give to someone else?

And if the government is going to provide everything we want, why should we go out and try harder? This type of plan would erode the self reliance, the self determination that has made our nation so great. It would demoralize those who would have otherwise stepped up and invented the next great something to make the world better because there is "no profit in it." It would reward mediocrity and discourage excellence and progress.

By removing the motivation to try harder, to be better, the government would weaken us as a people and as a nation.

The most the government should do is provide the framework in which the people can provide for themselves. They should make efforts to prevent those who would take advantage of others or who would prevent others who are willing to work from improving their lives. But they shouldn't just give it to them because some have more and some don't enough. There needs to be accountability, consequences and responsibility.

Sure some will be left behind. It is sad fact of life. But if it is because they don't care enough or are too lazy to get out and do for themselves it is their fault and they need to suffer the consequences. Why should the ones who work harder to improve their lives be punished because others won't.

For those who can't because of health or injury reasons, sure we should be willing to help them out. And most would be happy to pitch in for them.

And when it comes to the government passing laws, when they pass a law, it needs to apply to them too. Until then, they do not and cannot represent "we the people." If they are to represent us, they need to be one of us. Not some elite club that lives on a hill with a gated community that leaves the rest of us out.

So "we the people" need to speak up. We cannot wait for someone else any more. We need to write to our leaders, our "representatives" and tell them what we think. If they don't hear from us, they won't know what we want from them.

We can’t afford to wait. If we don’t speak now, we might not be able to afford the payments.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More thoughts for President Obama:

I am very disturbed by a continuing trend in our government.

You campaigned with the promise that there would be change but I am seeing more of the same and no real substantive change.

More partisan bickering. More threats veiled or otherwise to those who don’t cooperate with the “party”. More excessive spending. More breaking of campaign promises. More corruption, favoritism and cronyism.

In short, the game has not changed. Just some of the players have changed.

You are trying to push through a “national” health care plan.

And yet there are already reports of groups who will be exempt. Groups who will not be required to take the “public” option.

Until there is a plan presented that is truly universal you will not have my support.

If there is to be a national health care plan, then it had better be good enough for everyone or it isn’t good enough for me and my family. From the lowest member of congress up to the President, it is time for those who are spending my future and my children’s futures to live with the laws that they are passing.

If you are going to pass health care, you had better be the first one to sign on. And you should be followed closely by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the members of Congress and the Whitehouse staff.

When the Congress of the United States and the President of the United States start leading the call to action and change, instead of sending the rest of America out to live with the changes they have legislated with conditions and exemptions for themselves and their “special supporters, I will believe they are sincere with their calls for change.

They create and manage a social security system. But they don’t have to live off of it as so many American citizens do and so it is failing. Would it be having the same problems if those who designed and maintained the system were dependant on it as are so many others?

If the members of our government were dependant on Medicare and Medicaid, do you suppose that there would be such significant problems with those programs as well?

Do you suppose the American educational system would be in such dire straits if the President and the Congress were required to have their children attend the same public school systems that our children attend?

Our “leaders”, who lead by words but not by deeds, who claim to have our best interests in mind have no idea what our interests and needs are because they have created one set of rules for “we the people” and another set for “they the leaders.”

I say leaders and not representatives because as long as the current system of rules is in place, they do not, they cannot, represent the average American citizen.

They have no idea what we are dealing with, what our lives are like and what a mess they have created for everyone else.

Until they step out of their isolated world and have to deal with the consequences of the laws they pass, just like “Joe the Plumber” or “Bob the Builder” or whoever else you care to consider here, they cannot and do not truly represent us.

So President Obama, it is time for you, and the Congress to step out into the real world and live with the consequences of what you are doing to the rest of us.

Then and only then, will there be change we can believe in. Then and only then can you truly represent the people of the United States of America.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A thought for President Obama,

I presume you have heard the old adage of “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can eat the rest of his life.”

Too much of what is happening or being planned by you and the congress fits the category of “give a man a fish.”

This nation was founded by, and grew to where she is because ordinary people faced problems and overcame them. This has built, strong people and as a result a strong society and a strong nation.

The people of America have learned from their challenges and excelled. And through it all, we have helped to make the world a better place.

There have been problems to be sure. There are areas where we as a people and a nation still need to find the solutions for day to day challenges. There will be new challenges to overcome and learn from.

But if the government, as appears to be the current intent, steps in and tries to solve all the problems for everyone, that growth and learning will cease. The best and the brightest will atrophy and our nation will be weaker for it.

Take the butterfly as an example.

If you see a butterfly struggle to escape from its cocoon, it seems to slow, to painstaking to watch. It leaves you wanting to help it get free of the prison it is fighting to escape. And you could. With little effort, in seconds you could free the butterfly and save it from all the pain and struggle. You could make it so much easier for the butterfly to be free.
And by so doing, you would kill it.

The butterfly requires that struggle to develop the strength to survive once it is free of the confines of the cocoon. Without that struggle, it does not develop the strength, the capacity to survive on its own.

If government steps in and “solves” all of the difficulties that we face as humans, it prevents us from developing the strength, the skills to survive on our own.

If government grows too large, does too much and protects too much, some part of us, as humans dies and makes us less able to grow. It makes us less able to cope. It makes us less able to meet the challenges that face us as we go forward.

I know that you feel that you are just trying to help. You are just trying to make things easier.
But consider more than tomorrow. Consider longer than next week, next month or next year.

Don’t, by trying to be kind, leave us less able to survive in the future.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Are we going to do it again?

I am a bit puzzled.

President Obama recently commented about how after 9/11 folks got in too much of a hurry and made some poor decisions.

He said they didn't consider all the possible options or consequences of their actions.

Where the heck does he get off with saying something like that!?

This from the one of the folks who pushed a stimulus bill through the process so fast that no one had time to read the bill! Talk about not considering options! No one even knew what they were voting on!

And then when the AIG bonuses showed up in the mix, everyone claimed surprise and shock!

Of course it was a surprise! You never gave anyone time to look at the contract for crying out loud.

While our new president claims to be for the people, claims to want to be open and transparent, he's not.

While his specifics may be different, he is just like the rest of the politicians that currently reside in Washington DC.

He spends too much, he promises what he can't or won't deliver and he says one thing and does another. Or twists the meanings of what he said to meet his circumstances.

It is sad to say but I don't have a lot of faith in any of our elected officials in DC.

There is no one there who represents me. No one there has to worry about education for the children, health insurance, or where does the next house payment come from.

Until the "royalty" in DC has to live by the same rules that "we the people" do, they cannot truly represent us.

Slow down on the health care!

Stop trying to rush this stuff through!

Your intentions, while appearing noble are going to cause more harm than good.

Take some time and look before you leap with future changes and expenses. We can't afford your ideas!

Friday, June 5, 2009

What I didn't know about air travel

I recently returned from a trip to Phoenix to visit some of my family.

I had a borrowed piece of luggage as one of my checked luggage items.

It hadn't ever actually been used yet as it was part of a set.

Delta Airlines charged me $15 per piece to handle and transport my checked baggage.

When the luggage came onto the carousel in Salt Lake City, it was following the feet that held the case upright when resting.

It seems to me that if you break it, you should fix it or replace it. Especially if you charge a fee for the service.

That is what I will have to do with the mangled piece of fabric, fiber and plastic that they returned to me.

But airlines, it would appear, are special.

They say, we won't be liable and so they aren't. Their justification is the rest of the airlines do it this way too. They must think two wrongs make a right?

They can charge for a service, provide poor service and damage your property, still charge you for the service and yet not make the damage right.

Wouldn't that be handy?

I want to do that with my part of the national debt! At least with that one, I didn't have much to do with it.

Unlike the luggage where Delta broke it but still won't fix it.

Be warned. If and when you travel, consider your luggage to be a disposable item.

The airlines do!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Does this make me an accessory to murder?

I believe that evolution is real.

To a degree.

Species change and adapt with time. Humans adapt and change with time.

That isn't too hard to believe. It makes sense. It seems reasonable.

However, I can not fathom the theory that the entire universe popped up out of a point and the rest all came about just by chance. Too many contradictions to their own explanations it feels like.

But back to the purpose behind my vent today.

As I said, I believe in evolution. I believe in DNA.

So when the two haploids combine creating a zygote, a unique set of DNA is created.

In the case of humans, that zygote contains human DNA. It has all the cellular programming information to become a full sized, living, human being. It isn't going to change direction and become a toad or a dog. It isn't going to change its mind and become a lizard or a horse. It is a human.

Contained in that DNA code is hair color, eye color, skin color, everything that is needed to direct that initial cell to become a human being.

So here is my problem today.

President Obama has allowed federal money to be provided to international groups that perform abortions.

I pay my taxes, so therefor, however small, a portion of that money comes from me.

Since when an abortion is performed, at whatever stage that original zygote has progressed to, no matter how many cells it has become, cells that contain the DNA of an individual human being are being destroyed. It is ending a human life. Regardless of what stage it has developed to, it is a human life. It isn't going to be a cat. It isn't ever going to be a fish. But if its growth and progress weren't stopped, it would become a human.

So if a human life is ended in a program that uses tax dollars, and if I have payed my taxes, does that make me an accessory to murder?

Given that so many people feel, as I do, that a human life is being destroyed when an abortion is performed, tax money should not be used. If abortions are legal, then let those who don't believe they are taking a human life provide the funds. They won't have to live with the feelings of remorse at a life lost.

Don't make me an unwilling participant in something that I believe is immoral and inexcuseable. Don't make me party to ending a human life.

And don't force Doctors and other medical practitioners that feel the same to perform abortions or loose their funding.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where is the change we can believe in?

When the current administration was campaigning, I kept hearing “change”. Always “change”.

And I hoped against hope that it would happen.

There were promises of stopping earmarks, removing special interests, openness, and a chance to be heard.

And I hoped against hope that it would be true.

Now the campaign is over and it is time to see where that change might take us. It is time to put it into practice.

How are we doing? Not so good!

There seems to be a problem finding anyone who pays their taxes to staff the cabinet. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Where is the change in that?

And when is the last time you felt like anyone in Washington DC had a clue what you were thinking about or concerned about? No change on that front.

The temporary budget to keep things going for the rest of the fiscal year was loaded with those earmarks that we were promised would be reviewed and only allowed through on their individual merit. Next year is the story now. What do you suppose the excuse will be next year?

The stimulus package, which we were told we would have time to review, was pushed through so fast that even those who were voting on it didn't have time to read it. Now that the AIG bonus flap has hit the fan, all the powers that be in Washington DC are tripping over each other trying to avoid getting any of it on themselves. Fact of the matter is, if the promise of time to review had been kept, someone would have caught this. If anyone would have grown a back bone and upheld their oath of office, somebody somewhere would have caught that piece and there would have at least been a chance to try to do something about it. But it got rushed past us, under the cover of night, and we got taken to the cleaners. As we have been so many times before.

So now I want to know. What else did they hide in there? Did they revoke the constitution? Have the rescinded the bill of rights? What kind of surprises do we have coming down the pike that just happen to have been slipped into this drive by mugging that they called a stimulus package? What did they do to us really?

The only change I am seeing right now, is in the cast of characters that are in charge of spending more money than our nation can afford and maybe where they spend it. But it hasn't changed that much. We are still headed towards disaster but we can't get the conductor or the engineer to listen to us when we tell them the tracks are out ahead.

It really is just more of the same stuff, different day.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who decides who gets to be the boss?!

From the sources I have been able to locate so far, it appears that about 60% of the eligible voters are registered. That means that 40% of the voters, by not getting out and registering have arranged not to have any say in how our country is run.

Sure there are lots of excuses to feel frustrated or that our voice isn't heard (boy can I relate to that feeling). That my "one" vote isn't going to make a difference. That it is all corrupt. But that is what they are, excuses! If everyone one that didn't register, got out, registered and voted, if they had all felt the same way about who should be president, they could have out voted those who did get to pick this time.

In the 2008 election, about 33% of the voters were enough to be the majority needed to elect the president of the United States. That means there were a lot of votes that could have pushed him higher, or elected someone else.

As far as not feeling like you are represented, or they are corrupt, get out and do something about it! Write to your representatives. Call them. Email them. If they don't get any feedback, positive or negative, they are going to think that everyone is happy with what they are doing.

If only a vocal minority is making their voices heard, then the legislature will think that everyone agrees with that minority is saying.

We can't afford to be the silent majority any more. Otherwise that 33% will have the only votes that are counted.

Now maybe that is good and maybe it isn't. But the only way to really, truly, know what the voice of the people is saying, or wants to say, is if the people speak up. Stop waiting for someone else to make your case for you.

If the founding fathers had done that, we would still be a British Colony!

And if the selection in the last election seemed a little thin, get out and vote in the primaries! That is when it is decided which choices we will have in the general elections. Once again, if only a few folks show up to vote, those few folks are the ones who get to make the choice. They get to make that choice for all of us just because they took the time to "speak out".

So, if you don't like how things are going, and didn't vote. Too bad, you had your chance. Make sure you speak up next time.

If you did vote and don't like how things are going, make sure that all your friends turn out and vote too. Maybe they will be enough to make the difference.

And if you voted, and do like how things are going, make sure you get out and vote again and bring your friends. Otherwise it might get turned around next time.

We the people, have a voice. But if we don't use it, we won't be heard. But if we band together, take the time to make sure that our "leaders" know what we like and don't like about what they are doing, you can bet they will hear and respond.

After all, we can fire them if we don't like the job they are doing. We just need to get out and make our voices heard!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

AIG Bonus Thoughts

Everyone is outraged over the bonus money going to the division in AIG that apparently was one of the leading causes of the economic mess we are in right now.
And we have a right to be.

This is wrong. Absolutely wrong.

But let’s look beyond the surface to the rest of the wrong here before we start up a lynch mob.

The legislature and the administration, as far back as Clinton, have resisted any attempts to regulate some of these items that are now broken and taking the rest of us with them.

In their effort to be “fair” to everyone, some factions of the legislature have encouraged lenders to make loans to folks who were in no position to pay for them.

I have been watching ads for years promising credit to folks, regardless of credit history, or income, or… and thought, even with my limited experience on such things, this can’t be good. It is going to catch up to someone somewhere, sometime.

I underestimated a bit though because it caught up to everyone pretty much everywhere.

Anyway, the problem isn’t just the AIG execs. They just took advantage of the situation that the government presented to them. That doesn’t excuse them. They need to be tried, fairly and they need to be punished.

But this is not the way to accomplish it.

For the congress of the United States of America to write a special law in order to tax that money back from the is so terribly wrong. And even if such an act is in anyway legal or constitutional, it terrifies me.

If they can do this now, to those people, they can do it anytime to anyone for any reason they chose!

Can you just imagine what potential that has for the business climate in our nation? Everyone would be looking over their shoulder all the time. It could potentially cause that great financial calamity that everyone is trying to avoid.

Please, write your congressional representatives, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We must not allow this to gain any traction or we are going to head down a road that will be very difficult to recover from.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Change the score board!!

In the United States, and it would appear, most of the world, the only way anyone keeps score is, “Who has the most money?”, “Came in first?”, or “Has the most clout?”

There is no grading on a curve, no points for second (My understanding is a race driver from a few years back, Michael Andretti, said that, "Second place is just first loser." I don’t know if that is original from him or if it actually came from someone else first.)
Because of this, the mind set for all business in our country, if not the world is, get the most market share. Make the most money. Sell more products no matter what.

I knew that “add on” product sales were encouraged in retail sales of all kinds. Add one or two items to every sale and make $xx more dollars over xx amount of time! Always try to find a way to get a little more money than the customer planned on spending. If the customer seems reluctant and still has reservations about the “add on” item, talk them into it anyway!

What blew me away was when I saw this same practice in a medical situation! No matter where you are, or what you are doing, someone is going to try to get a few more of your hard earned dollars. Whether you need the product they are selling or not, whether you can afford it or not, they are going to try to talk you out of some of your hard earned dollars so that their corporation can get a little more money to pay CEOs and stock holders,and sometimes, even the employees.

If all we are doing is looking at that narrow spectrum, then that is where the focus will be. And unfortunately, there a too many who will have no scruples when it comes to how they get that little bit more.

Now I don’t claim to know what the answer is yet but hope someone can come up with one.

We need a new score keeping system.

Instead of just looking at the bottom line for corporations, how much a business makes, what the net worth of Joe So and So is, we need to find a more meaningful method of keeping score.

Somehow we need to develop a composite scoring system that takes into account ethics, community responsibility, and environmental responsibility, sure we should still keep profitability as part of the mix, and include some form of indicating how good a company is to work for or an individual is to work with.

With our current system of measuring “success” we tend to develop a one dimensional, shallow society that makes too little effort to be good neighbors and friends and too much effort to make more money.

Our nation was founded by men and women who believed in capitalism and making a living. But if that had been their only motivation, do you think that they would have taken the chances they did?

To them honor and freedom also mattered. They were willing to risk all for those and other dreams and hopes.

Today, in our nation, too often it seems that all that matters is making a profit… NOW!!!

Let’s change the way we keep score and see what that does for our image in the world and at home.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The United States of America

As I watch the Republicans and the Democrats going all out to pass blame for everything that is falling apart around them. Neither side wants to take credit for anything that is going wrong. Both are going back years looking for reasons to attribute the state of our economy and our nation to the other side.

Let's face it there is plenty of blame to go around for everyone.

They have all been there in one form or another, they have all contributed. They have all made mistakes, are making mistakes, will continue to make mistakes. They have all been more worried about dollars, reelection, power and influence than upholding the constitution as they have taken an oath to defend.

Greed in the corporate world has contributed. Greed and not enough accountability.

We the people are to blame too. We have wanted to much. We have wanted it to fast. We have not done our due diligence when we have elected our leaders and we continue to put folks back in office who have demonstrated that their priorities are not always in harmony with what we the people want.

Let's step up, realize we all have made mistakes, stop trying to find someplace to pass the buck, roll up our sleeves and get to work. At this point, assigning blame is going to solve the problem. Using the cover of blaming the other guy and continuing to do the same things, put the same folks in charge, and keep on doing what we have been doing will get us more of the same.

It doesn't really matter who broke it right now, we all need to fix it.

As I watch the name calling, the finger pointing and back stabbing going on with our political leaders, I can't help but ask myself, "Is this how Israel and Palestine started?"

All those years ago, did it start with a political disagreement, move on to name calling and back stabbing and then finally graduate to tanks, rockets, bullets and suicide bombs?

How long until democrats and republicans are doing the same?