Friday, July 17, 2009

Americans, We Need to Speak Out

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union...

Two hundred thirty three years ago these words laid part of the foundation of what has become the greatest nation on the earth.

It isn't perfect yet but might get there someday if we can learn to live and work together as we can and should.

But lately, we the people, whether out of frustration or apathy haven't made our voices heard.

Too few people are making choices for all of because they are making the noise and so our leaders presume that is what the people want. We the people need to speak up or the few will make the rules.

Currently there is an effort to push through a national health care plan.

While the rhetoric sounds very altruistic and it seems like a wonderful thing to do, it will destroy us in the long run if not sooner.

Our founding fathers created a nation that allowed the individual to be self reliant. Our lives, under the form of government they provided, can be self determined to a degree almost unheard of anywhere else, at any time in history.

This has allowed those with the creativity, drive, and ambition to see the problems in their lives and the lives of those around them and overcome those problems. Many have used these talents to create wealth and opportunity for themselves and others.

While some have abused the opportunity and hurt or inhibited others in the process of using their ideas for self enrichment, I believe most have been responsible and honorable.

This self reliance has lead to a nation of great diversity and great potential. Because of the chance to excel, grow and improve ourselves. Because of our freedom to try and succeed or fail, we have developed much of the technology that makes our lives what they are, or can be today.

The health care plan that I am hearing proposed at present will do much to destroy that potential for growth.

While most are not out to hurt others as they develop wealth, they are, at least to some degree, driven by selfishness. They want to improve their lives and increase their wealth. While it would be nice if everyone were motivated by providing for the good of all, the fact is much of the drive to succeed is, at least to some extent, self centered. Focused on the personal enrichment of the individual and perhaps including their own family and possibly friends.

The current health care plan would punish the achievers by taking money from them to pay for others who can't or won't put forth the effort or take the chance to make their own wealth.

If our government starts providing health insurance and other privileges to everyone then those who try harder to create wealth will lose their motivation. Why should they try to increase their capacity or wealth when the government just takes it away to give to someone else?

And if the government is going to provide everything we want, why should we go out and try harder? This type of plan would erode the self reliance, the self determination that has made our nation so great. It would demoralize those who would have otherwise stepped up and invented the next great something to make the world better because there is "no profit in it." It would reward mediocrity and discourage excellence and progress.

By removing the motivation to try harder, to be better, the government would weaken us as a people and as a nation.

The most the government should do is provide the framework in which the people can provide for themselves. They should make efforts to prevent those who would take advantage of others or who would prevent others who are willing to work from improving their lives. But they shouldn't just give it to them because some have more and some don't enough. There needs to be accountability, consequences and responsibility.

Sure some will be left behind. It is sad fact of life. But if it is because they don't care enough or are too lazy to get out and do for themselves it is their fault and they need to suffer the consequences. Why should the ones who work harder to improve their lives be punished because others won't.

For those who can't because of health or injury reasons, sure we should be willing to help them out. And most would be happy to pitch in for them.

And when it comes to the government passing laws, when they pass a law, it needs to apply to them too. Until then, they do not and cannot represent "we the people." If they are to represent us, they need to be one of us. Not some elite club that lives on a hill with a gated community that leaves the rest of us out.

So "we the people" need to speak up. We cannot wait for someone else any more. We need to write to our leaders, our "representatives" and tell them what we think. If they don't hear from us, they won't know what we want from them.

We can’t afford to wait. If we don’t speak now, we might not be able to afford the payments.