Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shame on us America

Too long we have sat idly by and not taken the time to make our voices heard. Too long we have expected things to get better without making noise about things getting worse.


Our big businesses have put profits ahead of the future of our nation, of our jobs, our children’s future employment and lifestyle and we have said nothing.

The motto used to be “the customer is always right.” Now the mantra is “get every last dime you can from the customer.” The add on sales for more supplies or items to “compliment” your purchase, or warranty to protect your purchase hit critical mass for me when I even saw it being done in a hospital! “Since you are in here for surgery anyway, how about we sell you this shot too?” And we put up with it!

More and more of our jobs are being outsourced to foreign plants to make more money for the “stock holders” and the board of directors with no thought to the fact that if ever those foreign nations become hostile towards the United States, they can shut down our production. And by that time, we will no longer have the infrastructure, or possibly the know how to put it all back together again!

It is great to be part of the world community and work together but we have put ourselves into a dangerous, dependant situation.

And through this all, our elected government has made it possible for those jobs to be shipped out. And yet we keep electing the same people back time after time! I have heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. And yet we keep electing the same people over and over again. Does anyone see the correlation there?

Neither party has had the corner on the market for helping to export our manufacturing, development and intellectual capabilities to outside suppliers. While on one hand our elected officials are trying so hard to gain the favor of one group of deep pockets they have allowed our future production capacity be shipped overseas, the other group is punishing them by making it too expensive for them to even consider coming back. Both sides are so busy trying to gain the favor of various special interest groups in order to benefit from their support and donations that they no longer even bother to listen when the majority of Americans have an opinion. They are sure that they know better than we do what we need.

These politicians and big businesses, in the name of profits, market share, power, influence and control, have nearly bankrupted our once great nation. They have created a debt so massive that our children’s children will probably be paying for it! And that is only if we stop them! They want to run up more of a tab than they have already!

While some of the things they want to accomplish may be honorable and laudable, they need to be done when we can afford it. We can’t keep spending what we don’t have. If you keep doing that, eventually the bill comes due and then you end up like so many in the mortgage crisis, with a payment schedule that you can’t support so you get foreclosed and kicked out of your home.

It is time to remove the whole bunch in Washington DC and start over fresh. Yes that will probably cause us some pain and difficulty but then again, what has the last year and a half been if not pain and difficulty? We the people have the power, we need to exercise that power. If we do, you can bet the next bunch will listen a little closer when we speak!

Ater all, where are we going to go if America gets forclosed?