Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who decides who gets to be the boss?!

From the sources I have been able to locate so far, it appears that about 60% of the eligible voters are registered. That means that 40% of the voters, by not getting out and registering have arranged not to have any say in how our country is run.

Sure there are lots of excuses to feel frustrated or that our voice isn't heard (boy can I relate to that feeling). That my "one" vote isn't going to make a difference. That it is all corrupt. But that is what they are, excuses! If everyone one that didn't register, got out, registered and voted, if they had all felt the same way about who should be president, they could have out voted those who did get to pick this time.

In the 2008 election, about 33% of the voters were enough to be the majority needed to elect the president of the United States. That means there were a lot of votes that could have pushed him higher, or elected someone else.

As far as not feeling like you are represented, or they are corrupt, get out and do something about it! Write to your representatives. Call them. Email them. If they don't get any feedback, positive or negative, they are going to think that everyone is happy with what they are doing.

If only a vocal minority is making their voices heard, then the legislature will think that everyone agrees with that minority is saying.

We can't afford to be the silent majority any more. Otherwise that 33% will have the only votes that are counted.

Now maybe that is good and maybe it isn't. But the only way to really, truly, know what the voice of the people is saying, or wants to say, is if the people speak up. Stop waiting for someone else to make your case for you.

If the founding fathers had done that, we would still be a British Colony!

And if the selection in the last election seemed a little thin, get out and vote in the primaries! That is when it is decided which choices we will have in the general elections. Once again, if only a few folks show up to vote, those few folks are the ones who get to make the choice. They get to make that choice for all of us just because they took the time to "speak out".

So, if you don't like how things are going, and didn't vote. Too bad, you had your chance. Make sure you speak up next time.

If you did vote and don't like how things are going, make sure that all your friends turn out and vote too. Maybe they will be enough to make the difference.

And if you voted, and do like how things are going, make sure you get out and vote again and bring your friends. Otherwise it might get turned around next time.

We the people, have a voice. But if we don't use it, we won't be heard. But if we band together, take the time to make sure that our "leaders" know what we like and don't like about what they are doing, you can bet they will hear and respond.

After all, we can fire them if we don't like the job they are doing. We just need to get out and make our voices heard!

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