Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where is the change we can believe in?

When the current administration was campaigning, I kept hearing “change”. Always “change”.

And I hoped against hope that it would happen.

There were promises of stopping earmarks, removing special interests, openness, and a chance to be heard.

And I hoped against hope that it would be true.

Now the campaign is over and it is time to see where that change might take us. It is time to put it into practice.

How are we doing? Not so good!

There seems to be a problem finding anyone who pays their taxes to staff the cabinet. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Where is the change in that?

And when is the last time you felt like anyone in Washington DC had a clue what you were thinking about or concerned about? No change on that front.

The temporary budget to keep things going for the rest of the fiscal year was loaded with those earmarks that we were promised would be reviewed and only allowed through on their individual merit. Next year is the story now. What do you suppose the excuse will be next year?

The stimulus package, which we were told we would have time to review, was pushed through so fast that even those who were voting on it didn't have time to read it. Now that the AIG bonus flap has hit the fan, all the powers that be in Washington DC are tripping over each other trying to avoid getting any of it on themselves. Fact of the matter is, if the promise of time to review had been kept, someone would have caught this. If anyone would have grown a back bone and upheld their oath of office, somebody somewhere would have caught that piece and there would have at least been a chance to try to do something about it. But it got rushed past us, under the cover of night, and we got taken to the cleaners. As we have been so many times before.

So now I want to know. What else did they hide in there? Did they revoke the constitution? Have the rescinded the bill of rights? What kind of surprises do we have coming down the pike that just happen to have been slipped into this drive by mugging that they called a stimulus package? What did they do to us really?

The only change I am seeing right now, is in the cast of characters that are in charge of spending more money than our nation can afford and maybe where they spend it. But it hasn't changed that much. We are still headed towards disaster but we can't get the conductor or the engineer to listen to us when we tell them the tracks are out ahead.

It really is just more of the same stuff, different day.

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