Sunday, June 7, 2009

Are we going to do it again?

I am a bit puzzled.

President Obama recently commented about how after 9/11 folks got in too much of a hurry and made some poor decisions.

He said they didn't consider all the possible options or consequences of their actions.

Where the heck does he get off with saying something like that!?

This from the one of the folks who pushed a stimulus bill through the process so fast that no one had time to read the bill! Talk about not considering options! No one even knew what they were voting on!

And then when the AIG bonuses showed up in the mix, everyone claimed surprise and shock!

Of course it was a surprise! You never gave anyone time to look at the contract for crying out loud.

While our new president claims to be for the people, claims to want to be open and transparent, he's not.

While his specifics may be different, he is just like the rest of the politicians that currently reside in Washington DC.

He spends too much, he promises what he can't or won't deliver and he says one thing and does another. Or twists the meanings of what he said to meet his circumstances.

It is sad to say but I don't have a lot of faith in any of our elected officials in DC.

There is no one there who represents me. No one there has to worry about education for the children, health insurance, or where does the next house payment come from.

Until the "royalty" in DC has to live by the same rules that "we the people" do, they cannot truly represent us.

Slow down on the health care!

Stop trying to rush this stuff through!

Your intentions, while appearing noble are going to cause more harm than good.

Take some time and look before you leap with future changes and expenses. We can't afford your ideas!

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