Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More thoughts for President Obama:

I am very disturbed by a continuing trend in our government.

You campaigned with the promise that there would be change but I am seeing more of the same and no real substantive change.

More partisan bickering. More threats veiled or otherwise to those who don’t cooperate with the “party”. More excessive spending. More breaking of campaign promises. More corruption, favoritism and cronyism.

In short, the game has not changed. Just some of the players have changed.

You are trying to push through a “national” health care plan.

And yet there are already reports of groups who will be exempt. Groups who will not be required to take the “public” option.

Until there is a plan presented that is truly universal you will not have my support.

If there is to be a national health care plan, then it had better be good enough for everyone or it isn’t good enough for me and my family. From the lowest member of congress up to the President, it is time for those who are spending my future and my children’s futures to live with the laws that they are passing.

If you are going to pass health care, you had better be the first one to sign on. And you should be followed closely by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the members of Congress and the Whitehouse staff.

When the Congress of the United States and the President of the United States start leading the call to action and change, instead of sending the rest of America out to live with the changes they have legislated with conditions and exemptions for themselves and their “special supporters, I will believe they are sincere with their calls for change.

They create and manage a social security system. But they don’t have to live off of it as so many American citizens do and so it is failing. Would it be having the same problems if those who designed and maintained the system were dependant on it as are so many others?

If the members of our government were dependant on Medicare and Medicaid, do you suppose that there would be such significant problems with those programs as well?

Do you suppose the American educational system would be in such dire straits if the President and the Congress were required to have their children attend the same public school systems that our children attend?

Our “leaders”, who lead by words but not by deeds, who claim to have our best interests in mind have no idea what our interests and needs are because they have created one set of rules for “we the people” and another set for “they the leaders.”

I say leaders and not representatives because as long as the current system of rules is in place, they do not, they cannot, represent the average American citizen.

They have no idea what we are dealing with, what our lives are like and what a mess they have created for everyone else.

Until they step out of their isolated world and have to deal with the consequences of the laws they pass, just like “Joe the Plumber” or “Bob the Builder” or whoever else you care to consider here, they cannot and do not truly represent us.

So President Obama, it is time for you, and the Congress to step out into the real world and live with the consequences of what you are doing to the rest of us.

Then and only then, will there be change we can believe in. Then and only then can you truly represent the people of the United States of America.

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